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With 20+ YEARS of coaching & 30+ YEARS of combined professional soccer experience, our coaches not only know the game, they know what it takes to be the best athlete in the sport.
WE STRIVE TO BE THE BEST for our Club, our members, and our soccer community.
COMPETITION is not just winning a game!
Our players have a reason to TRAIN, to develop coordination and MOVEMENT on the field, stay active, to strive to be GREATER, to practice SPORTSMANSHIP, learn how to RESPECT the rules of the game and the people that make it all happen.
The skills that players learn on the field are transferrable off the field.
We teach OUR PLAYERS to
learn to APPRECIATE the game,
and most importantly to have FUN.
A culture that inspires one another on and off the field, irrespective of position in the Club.
Every player and team member understands how their contribution plays a part in our Club's growth and player development.
We respect each other and the rules of the game. We always strive to provide our players with a disciplined environment to practice, play, and enjoy the game.
We want to ensure that every member and player of our Club is heard. We believe that without collaboration and comradery, we are not a team. We will make decisions in accordance to safe and fair practices, following our member associations - Toronto Soccer Association and Ontario Soccer Association.
Irrespective of our skills, experiences, genders, cultural background, religion, wins, or losses; we will always give 110% on and off the field.
Anja Vukovic
Anna Noveva
George Zhou
Nemanja Arsenijevic
Milos Vucinic
Goran Vukovic
Dragan Vukovic
Mike Bakic
As one of the youngest players to play for a premier league team, joining Serbia's 2nd division with FK Vrbas (Serbia) at the age of 16, Coach Vucinic was known for his right and left foot skills, his speed, and striking goals from the middle of the field.
He has played for FK Spartak (Serbia), FK Backa Topola (Serbia), and
As one of the youngest players to play for a premier league team, joining Serbia's 2nd division with FK Vrbas (Serbia) at the age of 16, Coach Vucinic was known for his right and left foot skills, his speed, and striking goals from the middle of the field.
He has played for FK Spartak (Serbia), FK Backa Topola (Serbia), and for the Canadian Soccer League with Metro Toronto Lions, Serbian White Eagles, Burlington SC, and Brampton SC. In 2008, he helped Serbian White Eagles claim their first CSL title.
For the past 15 years, Vucinic has dedicated his time coaching our club's Youth Teams.
He holds the following Coach Certifications: FUNdamentals, Learn To Train, and Soccer For Life. He is working towards his UEFA license.
As a player, Coach Arsenijevic was an offensive striker with 14 professional seasons in many Premier League Clubs representing Club's from Serbia, Greece, Israel, and Hungary. He has approx. 320 official matches under his belt, scoring a total of 90 career goals.
Additional accomplishments include winning the Hungarian Natio
As a player, Coach Arsenijevic was an offensive striker with 14 professional seasons in many Premier League Clubs representing Club's from Serbia, Greece, Israel, and Hungary. He has approx. 320 official matches under his belt, scoring a total of 90 career goals.
Additional accomplishments include winning the Hungarian National Cup and finishing third place in the European Championship while representing the National Team of Serbia.
He has received the following coaching licenses: UEFA-B (2017) and UEFA-A (2019).
Our story starts in 2001 when our beloved and now retired coach Branko Pavlovic opened up his own academy - Falcons Mississauga, where he trained youth teams for 4 years. In 2005, B. Pavlovic wanted his players to play for the Toronto Soccer Association (TSA)'s league, which meant having his players play against Toronto's best. And for that, he needed to be a registered soccer club. Thus, he requested and received permission from the board of directors of the known Serbian White Eagles FC (at the time an amateur club) to use their name. In 2005, our club was formed and registered as a member of the TSA under the name Serbian White Eagles FC (at times referenced as " Toronto Serbian White Eagles" or "SWE Toronto").
From 2005 to 2018, B. Pavlovic solely led his youth club and head coached his youth teams. In 2006, he also held a head coach position with the Canadian Soccer League (CSL) registered team under the same name "Serbian White Eagles". One might wonder why there were two separate organizations with the same name? It turns out that both organizations asked the original Serbian White Eagles FC's board of directors for approval to use their club's name to be able to register for their respective leagues. B. Pavlovic was first to ask the board, subsequently forming a soccer club and registering with the TSA as their member in 2005. The president of the adult team, Mike Bakic, was second to ask the same board for use of the name subsequently incorporating a for-profit Serbian White Eagles Inc. and registering for the CSL (known as the private league) in 2006. The original board of the Serbian White Eagles FC (amateur club) separated and its players joined either the youth soccer club and/or the adult private league team; both of which continued to operate in segregation.
In 2018, B. Pavlovic decided to retire and pass the club's responsibilities to the person he trusted most, his right-hand and assistant coach, Milos Vucinic. M. Vucinic heavily relied on the guidance of the TSA team to ensure the club met all of TSA member requirements and most importantly, followed all of Ontario Soccer rules and regulations. M. Vucinic knew he needed someone who is experienced in launching and managing businesses to help him transform the club's operations and brand; appointing Anja Vukovic as the club's President. In 2020, A. Vukovic played a major role in club's transformation, working with TSA and past board members of the Serbian White Eagles FC (amateur club) on many of club's structural and legal changes. She continues to lead club's operations and represents the club at TSA and OSA club calls and board meetings.
Why the change?
Our club members, supporters, and players wanted more. We formed our new club constitution with the intent to expand our love for soccer to more Canadians, develop new operational strategies, upgrade our training programs, and use technology to our advantage to promote, empower, and manage administrative efforts. You can call us an experienced club with a power boost.
Hard work, perseverance, and love for the game has kept our club alive. Our vision, mission, and values will sustain our existence and the hope to be a small contributor to the quality and caliber of the world's greatest soccer players.
Historical dates and facts have been provided by Branko Pavlovic, Dragan Vukovic (board member of the original Serbian White Eagles FC), and Mike Bakic (first president of Serbian White Eagles Inc. and board member of original Serbian White Eagles FC).
We are happy to have you here and thank you in advance for your interest in our club!
We have done our best to provide as much information on our website. Should you still have questions, do not hesitate to contact us via